Saturday, May 10, 2008


I'm missing Mr JL. He told me he's on his way to London on Thursday. Or was it yesterday? I can't remember. I was so surprised to hear from him, that I switched off my brain for an hour or so. All I could think of, was whether he is annoyed with me. I hope he isn't.

See, we haven't been spending much time together these last couple of weeks. Things have been difficult. I moved in with two girls and he is always travelling. Those are not the ideal circumstances in which to conduct an extra-marital affair. Let's just call it an affair. Extra-marital affair is such tautology.

Do I love him? Yes, what a silly question. He is probably one of the very few people who tries to understand me. Yes, I'm sure he thinks I'm a little bit crazy, but he is also my biggest fan. Or so it seems.

I never ask him about his family. Or, not much. I only ever ask after the boys. And I try to be low-fuss. He doesn't need another nagging female in his life. So I'm waiting on him to contact me again. Sometime soon.

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