Sunday, May 11, 2008

Let me introduce you

Ex-Mr Perfect called me today, asking what I'm doing. He's such a playa, this one. He nearly broke my heart circa 2006, when I thought I'm in love with him.

We met, went on a day-trip to Matjiesfontein, kissed. He then left for a holiday and when he came back, we started a shagathon that lasted a couple of months. It was divine, but I was hoping for more than what he could or would give me. I didn't want to believe he had a girlfriend. It was a similar situation to the Friends episode 'The one with the butt'. Chandler meets this unbelievably attractive woman, but on their first date, she mentions her husband. And she also mentions her boyfriend. Chandler is in lust, so he considers for a second, and then decides he'll get the best of both worlds.

I didn't see it like that. Ex-Mr Perfect took me to some nice restaurants, and lavished so much attention on me, of course I fell in love. He knew just how to make me melt.

Well, today I told him I am no longer a good time girl. He shouldn't rely on me for fantastic sex. Yes, of course I am horny, but he needs to find a new girl. Hell, it's been two years since our last 'encounter'. So he must've been rather desperate to call me. He even took me out for a chocolino.
It was fun being with him. But the attraction is gone. Two years is a long time. And he's getting older. I might consider shagging him again, but I do not think it'll be very soon. Unless he gets me a Louis.

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