Saturday, May 10, 2008

Who's my BFF?

I'm no longer sure if I have a best friend. I don't even have a GFF anymore. I used to think Ex-Lover is my best friend. Well, one of my best friends, because Robyn was one of the other BFFs.

We are so alike. So very alike. She's my confidante. She's one of the few people who know all about my semi-shady past. But things have been bad these last two months or so.

We no longer communicate as much as we used to. True, she is busy at work, but I miss seeing her. I've seen her once during the last two months. It also does not help that she has a new lover boy who is keeping her busy. And that she moved to a Mars beginning of last month.

My other two BFFs are flatmates. The younger one, Ms Woolllies, and I have been friends since early 2005. I only met her flatmate Leandra at the end of last year. We met up a couple of times, and Leandra and I fell in love. She's such a fun person to be around with, of course I liked her.

The three of us spent many weekends together, until recently. Something is different. I don't know what, but there has been a shift. They're uncommunicative and when I do phone to find out how things are, they're abrupt and do not sound very happy to hear from me. Invitations are left unanswered and SMSs get ignored. I'm sure I did or said something to irritate them; if only they could tell me what it is, though. That would make things easier for us.

I miss Ex-Lover. So much. I miss cooking for him (never mind that I can only make Spaghetti bolognaise); I miss fussing over him; I miss fighting with him. But, that will never happen again, so I'll have to find me a new obsession.

Angry Lecturer is online right now. I did something bad. I used his correct name in my last blog post on the old blog. I only did it because I want to know whether he is really reading my blog. And I'm hoping this will prompt him to confess. But it might not.

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